After our long day on Friday, we slept in on Saturday. Jo had several things planed for us to see while we were in Brighton. One was the Brighton Philharmonic which was on Sunday. We went Friday while we were in town to buy tickets. So that will be tomorrow. But today Mi, Jo, Cake, Alex and I went to Brighton Pier. The pier is the same as any other pier but the beach isn't. The sand isn't sand...its rocks. It reminds me of the beaches on the Cape a couple summers ago. As we walked onto the pier there was one of those things you stick your face in and take a picture. So naturally we stopped and Alex and Cake went first then Mi and Jo. I don't have any photos of Alex and Cake but here are the twins!

We then preceded to waste money on some games. After a bit we continued down the pier. Jowanted we stopped and they were soo good. Then we went to the rides. Cake and Alex wanted to ride the Ghost Train. We didn't so naturally I took pictures!
Mi and Jo scouted out the other rides. They found a roller coaster but Cake is a bid scared of roller coasters and Alex had a sore neck. So that left just us siblings. We had to wait until we had 8 people before they would start the ride so we recruited. The coaster was surprisingly fun.
After the rides we had noodles. They were so very yummy! We went inside the big game room/food court to eat because I was having trouble eating my noodles standing and it was FREEZING! Well naturally we had to play some more games after we ate. There was a wheel like the one from Price is Right and Mi loved that show when he was like three so we had to play. Jo went first and was crappy. Cake however was awesome and won a bunch of tickets. We naturally screamed for joy when she hit the 50 tickets and everyone turned and looked....oh well. At the prize counter they had the glow in the dark jewelry. Side story....Cake's 21st birthday was March 9 and they hadn't celebrated properly. Tonight was the night they were going out to Par-tay!....resume orginal story. So they had to have bracelets for the evening activities. We didn't quite have enough tickets. We went to this claw machine for little kids. It did not stop until you won and all the prized were eggs full of tickets. An hour later and many pounds we had enough tickets for three packs of bracelets.
On Sunday we went to the Philharmonic. It was really good. The only thing was we were in the front row so we pretty much just looked at their feet the whole time. You really don't have to see them to enjoy the music. After the performance, we ate dinner at an Italian restaurant called Pinnochio's. A few things I have realized. British people are not in a hurry when they eat. The servers are not attentive...they don't get tipped. The whole dang country is against ice. They seriously give you one or two cubes if you get any at all. The food was terific and not expensive. For the four of us to get three course it was 40 pounds which converts to about $65.
Monday we went to the Royal Pavillion. The Pavillion was the townhouse for George IV before he became king. After he became King he made the Pavillion what it is now. It is not big by palace standards but it is by mine. They don't let you take photos so I show you but it was really neat. Teh main hall had an asian theme to it. Apparently this was very popular in those times even though most people had never been to China. The dining room was so very impressive as was the music room. The kitchen had a table that they had pipes running under to keep the food warm and state of the art equipment for the time. In the kings chamber he had indoor plumbing. The water in the bathtub could be fresh or salt water. As I said the palace was not very big so after his death the other royals did not use it much as there was not enough room for children and their servants. Here is a picture of the Royal Paviliion at night. I didn't get one during the day but I will get Jo to send me one.