Monday, January 26, 2009

Reading Fair Drama

I am sad to announce PP did not make it to the Regional Reading Fair. She did come in second place in the district Reading Fair (yay!!). This has caused many tears today. The principal at her school announced the winners at the end of the day. She was SOOOO excited! She jumped in the car beaming and said, "I AM GOING TO REGIONALS!". I said, "Really?". She said, " Yea...I got second" to which I replied, "O....". I knew only the first place winner from each category would be able to go to regionals but she didn't. And of course they didn't explain this to her at school. So here came the tears for the first time. Bless her heart nothing went right for the rest of the day. We had about four more breakdowns before bedtime. If this is seven I can't imagine seventeen!

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