Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday...what crazy fun!!!

Last year I got up at 4:00 in the morning and went to Wal-Mart for the Black Friday sale. I had a blast. GBE was supposed to come but he unexpectedly ended up hanging out with an old friend the night before. So my mom came. The two person strategy worked great! So this year I planned on going again. Since we were going to be in Oxford, Mama couldn't come. Jo said she would come. We didn't get into town until midnight and it was one when I got in bed. Jo was still up when I went to bed. I had set my alarm and so did she but somehow we both slept through it. I happened to wake up at 4:50am. I rushed to get dressed and Jo got up. We were in the store at exactly 5:00am. I went to get some high thread count sheets and thanks to my failed alarm I didn't get them. The trip was not a total bust we got some other good deals and had a great time!

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