Friday, November 28, 2008


GBE and I are so blessed that both our families live in the same town. With PP having to go to Mimi and Papa's on holidays also it is such a great thing. Since we had to leave on Thursday, GBE's family decided to do Thanksgiving on Wednesday which left my family Thursday. It worked out perfectly.
Wednesday's Thanksgiving
Since they do a HUGE Christmas, Thanksgiving is somewhat low key only twelve people! GBE's Grandma Nona was visiting which made the day that much more special. Mimsy also made me a (surprise) birthday cake! It was a wonderful dinner.
Thursday's Thanksgiving
My family usually does a big meal at my Granny's house. Since everyone is growing up and having families of their own, holidays are getting smaller. Thanksgiving was going to be my imediate family and Granny. Mama and I cooked that morning. Then we ate a pleasant meal. I missed the rest of the family but it was kinda nice having just us there. It reminded me of the Thanksgivings in NJ. Since none of the family lived close by it was always just us growing up.

I know Thanksgiving is a day to be thankful but honestly I was so busy (and a little pouty about my birthday) I didn't really give thanks. There are so many things I have to be thankful for I won't list them all. I would like to say I am thankful for having so very many people who love my sweet PP and thank you, thank you, thank you for all the help on the reading fair board. I am also thankful that she only went a little crazy towards the end!

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