Thursday, February 10, 2011


I am not much of a decorator...but I try. PP and I both received Christmas presents that prompted some redecorating at our house. I quite frequently move furniture around but given the layout of our new place, I haven't been able to do that. I did move a few things around but mostly it was cosmetic. I received this lamp for graduation and PP got the picture frame (that is lacking a picture) for Christmas. The painting was done by my little sister a few years ago and the cross was a gift from a good friend.

I had to move the things on the bookshelf so I could put the lamp, cross, and picture frame there. That prompted me to move this table into my room. I have been waiting to hang this mirror but now I have found a place to put it without having to put holes in the wall...yay!! I am not completely satisfied with it but its a start :)

All the moving made me want to begin a project I have been thinking about for a little while. I have had this canvas but I am not a painter/artist. I was going to have GBE do something on it for me but I decided I would give it a try. I have never been concerned with decorating the kitchen but my kitchen is so boring. There is a  big blank place above the stove. I decided I would paint something there. "Cocina" means kitchen in Spanish. Overall I think it turned out okay. PP helped with some of the color selection but it mostly came from the rug in the kitchen and the colors in my living room. The kitchen and living room open to each other so they need to at least coordinate

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