Friday, October 24, 2008

The Songwriting Shop

Since the blog is about PP and I, we created a profile for PP to post on the blog as well. As you can see, she posted one of her songs the other day. Actually I typed as she recited since it is much faster that way. She has become quite the songwriter in the last couple of months. She started writing songs so she would have material for when she was a pop star. Can we say too much Hannah Montana?!?! I finally had to break it to her that she couldn't sing and a career was probably not in the grand plan for her. She was most upset and I felt bad. So I countered my bad news with "...but you are a great songwriter!". That wasn't good enough. So my sister and I convinced her that writing the songs was as good as singing them. Now she has a songwriting business in the works with all the family being employed in different areas. So that is the back story on the songs by PP. Be expecting many more posts from her. She has lots of songs!

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