Sunday, January 30, 2011

Our Weekend

The weather was much warmer this in the PP took advantage of playing outside. She spent the majority of the day Saturday outside. I was feeling a bit under the weather so I didn't get out to take photos of her in the sunshine. Here is what I did instead...

Our awesome couch blanket ;)

PP likes to move our new couch pillows when we are lounging

 Today she invited a friend over and they went outside again! Soccer is going to start soon so they got in a little practice before the rain. And I got in some practice soccer shots. I have finally figured out how to get non-blurry action shots :) The ground here REALLY holds water so it was quite muddy. The girls attempted to stay on the didn't go so well all the time!

After soccer, they showed off their stilt walking abilities...such talented girls!


  1. Love these pics!! So glad you are posting again, I love seeing what the Little Miss is up to!! :) What camera did you get, I got one too, I got the Nikon D3100....and I love it but am still trying to figure it out. :)

    and PS, please tell her that our thank you card made my day!! :) it was beautiful!!!

  2. Sarah - I got a Nikon D90..I know what you mean about learning how to use it. The more pictures you takes really helps and I have been reading some stuff online. I'm glad you liked her card...she will be thrilled :)
