Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Soccer Pictures...just a few weeks after the season ended....

Obviously I am not doing so good at this blogging thing. In my defense I have been sick a BUNCH this winter and the internet at my apartment is crappy but in the end I haven't posted so I'm sorry!
Here are just a few of PP's soccer photos...I literally took hundreds ;) The Snowballs ended up in second place at the end of the season. PP was uber excited since every other year her team has come in last place. One season I think they only won one game!

So as you can tell, I am lazy and I did not edit these pictures. I promise I will do better with softball (PP had her first game yesterday). I guessed that I should post SOME pictures even if they aren't edited!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Aim!!! Awesome job Arin and Congrats on second place! It's nice to see a post Aimee. It makes me feel like I am not missing as much. Keep um coming!
