Thursday, February 10, 2011


The weather people were saying that we were going to get between three and five inches of snow this week.  Let's just say I was skeptical but hopeful. Since we came back from Christmas break (six weeks ago), we have only had one full week. One four day week was a scheduled holiday but the others were due to weather. I was excitedly awaiting the snow on Wednesday. They said it would begin snowing around noon and guess what...they were right. By 1:00, there was a decent dusting of snow covering the ground. I left work and went to get PP from school. (That's right...the awesome school district waited an hour and a half AFTER it started snowing to officially release school). When we got home we just laid was freezing out there!

As the afternoon continued, the snow fell harder. You can see how the ground becomes whiter and whiter. These pictures were taken from our balcony over about a three hour period.

We watched all of the snow fall over the next hour. Eventually, we just HAD to go play...and take pictures ;)

PS - I measured 4 inches but PP measured 4.5 inches...either way that's a bunch of snow for the South!

1 comment:

  1. how fun!! what a great way to enjoy the cold weather.. makes it worth it. we just got bitter cold down here.
